Imagine your kid trading in sneakers for combat boots!
This is MY experience, and let me tell you, the thought of my son leaving has me crying a Denzel tear when he’s not in my presence, but with a smile.

I think I’ve done a good job in the motherhood department. Both my son and daughter are beautiful productive beings. I’ve been preparing for the day they both leave the nest. However, it’s totally unexpected for my son to leave before his older sister!
The Army?
Not college?
Not even…moving some miles away to his own place?
Like…he’s really starting his adulthood in the Army?
I initially didn’t like the idea of my child serving, but the more I thought about it, the more I support his decision.
I still do!
I can see myself now binge-watching military homecoming videos, picturing myself having the same experiences.
I think I need to do my own recruiting and create an Army Mom brigade! My son is part of the new batch going to basic training in June, soon after graduation! I have a feeling all of us new military moms will be having a roller-coaster of emotions, leading up to the day. Saying goodbye to our soldiers-in-training won’t be easy, but I am so excited and happy for my son.
Although, I dread the day he leaves, I’m still going to strap on my mom boots (combat boots optional) and send him off like a G!
I raised a soldier! And I’m damn proud!

My Son is doing the same thing so I’m glad I’m not alone with those feelings!!
I’m so many things at once!…LOL