Healing with Restorative Writing

Embracing Divine Separation: When God Leads You Away from What No Longer Serves You


As of recent, I’ve been hearing/seeing messages with this word.

The easy thing about separating yourself is the unique kind of peace you have when you do. It’s also realizing that not everything (or everyone) in your life is meant to stay forever. Sometimes, you find yourself drifting away from people, places, or things that once felt like home. It’s a strange feeling—part loss, part liberation—but it’s one that many of us have experienced, often without understanding why.

It can be tough to accept that people you once loved or places that once brought you joy no longer fit into your life. It feels like a loss, and in many ways, it is. You’re losing the comfort of the familiar, the security of what you once knew. But consider this: what if God is intentionally moving these things out of your way to make room for something better?

Perhaps the bond that was created was just a trauma bond? Perhaps the experience you created together were meant to help you get through a tumultuous time that you were strong enough to overcome, so that experience has been exhausted? Perhaps the connections/experiences were seasonal?

Regardless of the type of experience or relationship you’ve had, you’ll always learn a valuable lesson or two about yourself—you’ll never have to chase what’s for you, so if things drift away…let them.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 reminds us, “To everything, there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven.” This means that every relationship, every place, and everything has a purpose, but also a time when its purpose is fulfilled….whether it was in a negative way or a positive way.

The Pain of Letting Go
Let’s be real—it hurts. Whether it’s someone who no longer honors a friendship, a job that no longer brings satisfaction, or a dream that just didn’t pan out, the pain of letting go is real. It’s okay to feel sad, to grieve the loss of what once was. But in that grief, remember that God’s plan is always for your good, even when it doesn’t feel like it in the moment.

When God closes a door, it’s not because He wants to leave you out in the cold. It’s because there’s another door—one that leads to something far better than what you’re leaving behind. But here’s the thing: you can’t open the new door if you’re still clinging to the old one.

I’m sharing you lessons I’ve learned with my recent loss. I’m also learning that having a supportive community that understands your journey IS THE KEY! They may not have all the answers, but their encouragement has helped me navigate this new chapter.

The separation I’m experiencing in my life is a step closer to where I’m meant to be. It’s God’s way of saying, “I have something better for you.” So, as difficult as it may be, I’m embracing these changes with an open heart. I know that I’m being led to something more beautiful, more fulfilling, and more aligned with my purpose.

In the age of audio/video podcasting, I think I'm one of a VERY FEW who still "blogs". I come from that old school of personal blogging. I'm a part of a generation that still appreciates the art of expression in words. I guess that's why the passion for it has never really left me.