Healing with Restorative Writing

Five Activities to Help You Cope with Grief

Hey, beautiful People!

Let’s be real for a moment – grief is one of those heavy things in life that can feel like it’s swallowing you whole. Whether you’re mourning a loss, an ending, or even a change, grief can leave you feeling lost. But here’s the thing – you don’t have to carry that weight alone. I’ve learned that even in the darkest moments, there are small steps we can take to ease the burden. I’ve compiled a list of activities that can help when us in the thick of grief.

  1. Journaling – Let the Words Flow
    I’m all about writing things down, and when it comes to grief, journaling can be a lifesaver. Sometimes the feelings are just too heavy to say out loud, but getting them onto paper? That’s a whole different kind of release. Try starting each day with a prompt like, “Today I feel…” and just let whatever comes out, flow out. No judgment, no editing, just raw honesty. And if you’re struggling for words? Even doodling can be therapeutic. Trust me, this is a small but powerful way to make sense of the chaos inside.
  2. Walking in Nature – Ground Yourself
    There’s something about being outside that just makes things feel… lighter. Take a walk. I know it sounds too simple to be effective but give it a try. Whether it’s in your neighborhood or a park, just being around trees, grass, and fresh air can do wonders. Listen to the birds, feel the sun on your skin, or even the rain if that’s your vibe. Nature has a way of reminding us that life moves forward, even when it feels like our world has stopped.
  3. Crying – Yes, It’s Allowed!
    Can we stop pretending that crying is a weakness? Crying is so necessary! If you’re feeling like you need to sob, let it happen. It’s your body’s way of releasing some of that built-up tension and pain. Grab your favorite blanket, tissues, and just let it all out. The goal isn’t to stop the tears, but to let them flow without guilt. Afterward, you’ll often feel like a weight has been lifted, even if it’s just a little.
  4. Creative Expression – Make Something Beautiful
    Grief can be ugly, but creativity is a way to reclaim some beauty in the midst of it. Whether you’re into painting, knitting, photography, or music, channeling those emotions into something creative can be incredibly healing. The beauty of this is that it’s not about perfection or skill – it’s about expression. Some of my deepest emotions have found their way into the pages of my writing, but I know others who’ve painted their way through the storm. Find what works for you and dive in.
  5. Connect – Lean on Your Tribe
    This is the hard one for so many of us because grief can make you feel like retreating into yourself. But connecting with people you trust can be exactly what you need. It doesn’t have to be deep conversations about your feelings, either. Sometimes, just sitting with a friend, watching a silly movie, or getting lost in casual conversation can offer relief. Let your tribe hold you up when you can’t do it yourself.

Remember that Grief is different for everyone, but one thing’s for sure – you don’t have to carry it alone. Whether it’s through writing, walking, creating, or crying – find what helps lighten the load. And remember, it’s okay to have good days and bad days. Healing isn’t linear, but you will get through it, one small step at a time.

    Sending love and light your way,

    Share with me in the comments! What would you add to the list?

    In the age of audio/video podcasting, I think I'm one of a VERY FEW who still "blogs". I come from that old school of personal blogging. I'm a part of a generation that still appreciates the art of expression in words. I guess that's why the passion for it has never really left me.

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