Healing with Restorative Writing

Trying to Solve Life’s Puzzle Without a Guide

Navigating the labyrinth of emotions can often feel like attempting to solve a puzzle without a guidebook.

I feel like this song should be the theme song to this think piece, so press play and get submerged in the words.

There are moments when we find ourselves unable to decipher the waves of emotion crashing against the shores of our consciousness. It’s in these murky waters that we encounter one of life’s most confounding dilemmas: not knowing how to feel.

Imagine standing at the intersection of uncertainty and discomfort, with no directions to guide your steps. It’s a disorienting experience, to say the least. You’re acutely aware that something is amiss, yet the exact nature of your unease eludes you. Perhaps it’s a gnawing sense of discontent that lingers just beneath the surface, or a persistent feeling of disconnection from the world around you. Whatever form it takes, the knowledge that you don’t feel right becomes an anchor weighing heavily on your soul.

In moments like these, the temptation to bury our emotions or brush them aside can be overwhelming. After all, confronting the unknown requires a courage that few possess. It’s far easier to retreat into the safety of denial, convincing ourselves that if we ignore our feelings long enough, they’ll simply fade away. But deep down, we know that such avoidance only serves to prolong our inner turmoil, leaving us stranded in a state of emotional limbo.

So, what’s the alternative?

The answer lies in embracing our vulnerability and leaning into the discomfort. It means allowing ourselves to sit with the uncomfortable truths that lurk in the shadows of our consciousness, acknowledging their presence without judgment or condemnation of ourselves.

In doing so, we open ourselves up to the possibility of growth and transformation. For it’s often in our darkest moments of uncertainty that we discover the true depth of our resilience and inner strength. By confronting our emotions head-on, in addition to leaning on God and perhaps some therapy, we create space for healing and self-discovery, paving the way for a brighter, more authentic existence.

So, if you find yourself grappling with the conflict of not knowing how to or what to feel, remember this: you are not alone. It’s okay to feel lost and confused at times; it’s a natural part of the human experience. What truly matters is how we choose to respond to these moments of uncertainty. Will we allow ourselves to be consumed by fear and doubt, or will we summon the courage to face our emotions with grace and compassion? The choice is ours to make.

As for your girl, I’m fighting the good fight. With everything that’s going on in my life, my courage is tested almost daily. I won’t get into my life’s specifics, at least not in this piece. But rest assured, I’m suited up and prepared to fight whatever heavy emotion is weighing on me.

In the age of audio/video podcasting, I think I'm one of a VERY FEW who still "blogs". I come from that old school of personal blogging. I'm a part of a generation that still appreciates the art of expression in words. I guess that's why the passion for it has never really left me.